We iN LoVe 4eVeR

We iN LoVe 4eVeR

About Me

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Aku merupakan seorang isteri kepada seorang suami yg baik & penyayang..& insyaallah tidak lama lagi bakal bergelar mama. Mudah-mudahan kebahagian ini berkekalan hingga akhir hayat.. Dear My Hubby: U are the best in the world.

Monday, January 4, 2010

@ HaTiKu SeLamaNya

You Mean Everything To Me

You are the answer to my lonely prayer
You are an angel from above
I was so lonely till you came to me
With the wonder of your love

I don't know how I ever lived before
You are my life, my destiny
Oh my darling, I love you so
You mean everything to me

If you should ever, ever go away
There would be lonely tears to cry
The sun above would be never shine again
There would be teardrops in the sky

So hold me close and never let me go
And say our love will always be
Oh, my darling, I love you so
You mean everything to me
(You mean everything to me)

So hold me close and never let me go
And say our love will always be
Oh, my darling, I love you so
You mean everything to me

KiNi & SeLaManYa... aMiN.


Unknown said...

everything?? kau mmg pompuan bodohh laa plih husband muka mcm anjing! lakhanatttt ..lancau pnye zamrii isap pelir .

mY LiFe

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